Generative Talent | Skill Cloud
Current Talent Management is really old school.
But soon you’ll be able to use such commands in your talent platform:
“Who are my top candidates for the project leader role?”
“Who are my highest potential middle management candidates?”
“Do manish anika and aditi make a strong business team?”
“Who are the best mentors for elsa?”
“How do we help erik improve his job performance?”
“Create three teams of three people for new product innovation”
“Show me talents for promotion“
“Who did we overlook?”
“What are the most critical gaps we need to work on as a company?”
“Give me candidate shortlist for entry level hires with strong EQ creative and quantitative thinking”
You’ll get information and insights you never had before.
You’ll be able to command the system to take actions.
The system will even help you know what you don’t know you don’t know.
Yes. It’s a whole new world of talent and business.
Stay tuned, it’s coming soon.
See more here.
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