How Can I Tell Which College Majors are Right for Me?
Columbia University’s College Walk in Morningside Heights, Manhattan.
What is college? It’s an ecosystem of people, information, and experiences that’ll expand your mind, expose you to new ways of thinking, spark your curiosity, shape your outlook on all sorts of subjects, equip you with knowledge and insights, provide you with new skills, invite you to build social relationships, expose you to employers and career opportunities, and much more.
College is a future-shaping experience. It’ll shape your mind, your future career and, not least, the extent to which you actually realize your own priceless potential.
But it’s also a big commitment. It’s an investment of time and money.
You’d want to get the most out of it. And you need to navigate it smartly.
Remember, if you’re not using smart people analytics to manage your own career, you’re flying in the dark.
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