[Just Released] US Report on Unlocking Career Potential
People everywhere want to secure a good job, but face incredible barriers.
Consider key insights and numbers from the latest analysis of the US education-to-career landscape:
High school career advising is vastly under-resourced, and this disproportionately impacts students of color.
Less than 20% of college students use career centers for job seeking and career advice.
College-bound young people no longer believe college actually prepares them for careers.
41% of recent college graduates and 34% of all graduates are underemployed. And, worse, these numbers are much higher for women and Black Americans.
Shifting labor market demands mean the skills of today lose 50% of their relevance within just 5 years.
The terrible state of career pathways — in the US and globally — has been magnified by the Coronavirus outbreak, becoming a full-blown work and livelihood crisis that disproportionately affects the poor, disadvantaged, and disconnected.
What does this mean?
We must enable every person to unlock their potential to the fullest — and build a better future
We must provide individuals, families and communities with the tools to achieve economic security and personal wellbeing
We must provide the business sector and the economy at large with tools to connect with the right talent
It’s all about the future.
It’s all about building a just and inclusive future for all.
And the stakes can’t be higher.
It’s why we’re sharing with you this new report (commissioned by the Gates Foundation), including its feature of KnackApp.
Today, more than ever before, it’s imperative we leverage digital and mobile technology to enable people from all walks of life to build their future.
The next-generation KnackApp will deliver exactly that globally, at scale.
Stay closely tuned for the upcoming release.