Unlocking the future of human ingenuity
Ingenuity, the capacity to think up inventive ideas and clever contributions, offers humanity the promise of progress.
Throughout history, brilliant breakthroughs brought about crucial change.
But ingenuity is a uniquely human feature; computers got none.
How, then, can societies, governments, corporations, universities and others unlock more ingenuity?
How do we, collectively, alter the aggregate supply of human ingenuity?
And, finally, how do we turn the discovery of this critical resource into a non-random, programmatic pipeline?
Increasing the supply of ingenuity will make every human being in the world better off.
We believe KnackApp will play a critical role in making this vision a reality.
Consider this.
Social media catapulted the shift from the historically powerful to the historically powerless. Now everyone has a voice. Everyone has a chance. Everyone can be discovered. Anywhere.
KnackApp makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to unlock and digitally broadcast his or her talent — and to get discovered for it.
Stay tuned for our forthcoming announcement.
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