Introducing the Human Potential Economy
The digital revolution continues to break down traditional employment models, replacing them with a variety of emerging “labor arrangements”.
These novel modalities (and those that will continue to emerge and evolve) open the market to millions of people around the world (eg: Bhubaneswar in Odisha, India) for whom “gainful employment” was inaccessible till now, not for lack of talent or ability but for lack of ability to signal their talent to employers looking to hire people for traditional, full-time, on-site employment.
But this is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
The digital disruption that’s happening right now makes work opportunities widely and massively accessible in ways we previously did not imagine.
Practically, this means anyone, anywhere can use the Internet to develop and utilize their own potential—and make a living. Hence the emergence of the Human Potential Economy.
As you can see, things are changing, and that change is rapid and disruptive.
Previous technology-led disruptions (including the rise of the automobile, modern aviation, electricity, and computerization) show the power and promise of these processes. As the market opens up to new people, we are going to see a sharp increase in the age, gender, generational, cultural, geographical, learning and educational diversity of the new workforce.
Previous disruptions rewired our mindsets, leading us to re-base and re-calibrate the way we measure, perceive, and value certain things. We see this happening right now, as businesses and other organizations ahead of the curve are shifting away from traditional human capital to future-centric human potential.
We think this is the beginning of a broader, deeper economic and cultural change.