Netflix for Talent
Netflix revolutionized entertainment distribution for studios, producers, and consumers worldwide.
The technology’s personalized recommendations system matches viewers with movies they’d want to watch, without searching.
Netflix organizes and surfaces content in new personalized categories, which enable consumers to explore and discover movies they’d love—including movies they didn’t know existed.
Netflix is data-driven so it gets smarter with scale and usage, which drives higher end-to-end value.
Compared with its video-rental predecessors, consumer value on Netflix is exponentially higher. That’s because viewers spend their time actually getting entertained, instead of searching for (uncertain) entertainment.
Its movie-matching algorithms also mean there’s a liquid channel that surfaces obscure content, no matter how little known it might be.
Netflix is a smart digital infrastructure.
It makes the world of content consumable, like never before, and shapes its future.
Talent is not different from movies.
Stay tuned.
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