Smart companies hire “misfits”
Most companies hire people who “fit”.
Among HR professionals, “fit” is considered the North Star that guides recruiting, hiring, promotion, mobility and leadership decisions.
By and large, “fit” is considered the golden standard of corporate human capital and works as a binary measure that carries decisive weight; you’re either fit or not.
It’s time to say it out loud: this approach is wrong.
We think it’s time to get rid of “fit” and replace it with a smarter, individualized, personalized and nuanced way of looking at people’s talent and potential.
When we say someone is “not a good fit” what we’re actually saying is that someone does not align with our idea of what’s good.
The problem starts with our acceptance of the premise that there’s a single model of what’s good.
It’s worth keeping in mind that our idea of what’s good is limited by our own imagination (and by our own experience). It’s a reflection of what we know, of and what we’ve seen in the past.
It’s time to look at people for the unique talent and potential they have, and to find the way to use unleash their unique talent and potential in the most compelling way.
Smart companies realize that hiring for “fit” limits their business success.
What about you?