The best (hidden) investment right now.
The smartest investment you could ever make is to invest in potential.
Yes. Sounds simple. Let’s unpack this.
It’s true in venture capital, in private and public equity markets, and — most importantly — it’s also true when it comes to investing in people you hire, promote, retain, or upskill.
Potential should be the Northstar that guides your investment decisions because potential is forward-looking, telling you what that person can do in the future.
(For those thinking in terms of financial “asset classes”, focusing on potential is looking at the “expected future cash flow” a person will generate.)
Keep in mind that your business performance and outcomes depend on your actual (vs. potential) investment in potential. In fact, these investments are the most impactful way to build your business workforce for the future.
And if you can find multi-potentials, your investment will yield even higher returns.
That said,
How do you find that hidden potential?
Where do you find it?
How do you do that ahead of others, while it’s hidden and, therefore, “underpriced”?
Discovering potential is precisely why we’ve built KnackApp.
Leap to the future as you start viewing KnackApp as your investment portfolio management AI platform.
The potential returns for adopting this view are, indeed, infinite.
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