The default context of doing work has irreversibly changed.
The new default context is the Internet—which, practically, means everywhere.
This shifting default context is not a unique feature of the world of work; but rather a universal property that describes life in the Internet age.
If you follow this line of thinking, you’ll realize that—
The Internet disrupts the office as a context for doing work (some people may still want to (sometimes) work at an office, just like others might want to work from a coffee shop or a park)
The Internet as the new default context disrupts our workforce because, practically, future business talent is anywhere where people live and can connect to the Internet
The Internet disrupts management concepts because the leaders and managers of the future who adjust and adapt to the Internet as the new default context will achieve faster, better results (and see higher demand than those who don’t)
The question, then, is not if—but, rather, how soon you shift your perspective.
ps.1 - Why hiring is harder than ever before, and what to do about it
ps.2 - Food for thought: the etymology of office points (via Latin) to “performance of a task” in the broadest sense
ps.3 - the picture above of rural North England is where I (Guy) work from